The Road to Church
isn't Always Easy

We recognize that there can be all kinds of questions and concerns that people may have when attending church for the first time.  So, to make it easier on you, we've tried to answer some of your questions here.  If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us at the bottom of the page.


What about my kids?

One of our main focuses at WTC is to provide everyone with a safe community in which they can encounter the love of God.  Because of that, our desire is to create an atmosphere where everyone belongs, from the youngest to the oldest, WE are all THE CHURCH.

Because of that, we desire to keep all of our services inclusive.  The sounds of children in a church service are music to our ears.

What can I expect?

As you enter the building on Sunday, you'll be greated by warm and welcoming people, as well as the delicious fragrance of food warming for our after service feast.  All the action takes place in the sanctuary... Food, laughter, fellowship, fun... and then the main event... a Bible-based worship experience.

What does the speaker talk about?

Messages in WTC are all about Jesus!  Humorous, challenging, uplifting and educational sermons from the life and teachings of Jesus are what we are all about.  We believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority for our lives, and we seek to discover, each week, how to apply it daily.

How can I get connected?

We have an app that you can download, which focuses on integrating the lives of WE THE CHURCH members with each other.  Our desire isn't just to play church on Sunday, but to do life together.

However, if apps aren't your thing, we would encourage you to reach out in a couple of different ways:  Shoot us an email at, check us out in person on Sundays @ 11am, or give Dan a call at (613) 893-5177.

Download the App here

Any More Questions or Concerns?

Feel free to reach out and we'll get back to you as soon as possible

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